New Jersey Boys State Foundation website (click for homepage)
The NJBSF Special Events Committee

The Special Events Committee began back in 2003 with the planning of it's first annual event, NJBSF Family Day. Family Day is an exciting opportunity for an opportunity for parents to meet first hand the talented volunteers who educate the fine young men who attend ALJBS and mingle with other parents of the delegates from around the State of NJ. A picnic-style lunch is provided to the delegates and staff, subsidized by the sale of tickets to the families and friends of the delegates. As a result, each year the NJBSF covers the cost of the lunch for the delegates and staff saving the ALJBS program an average of $4,000. After seven years this alone is a saving of nearly $30,000! In addition, the Jersey Boys State band provides an additional performance prior the Graduation ceremony, the ALJBS Championship race concludes the ALJBS Sports program, and in the past four years, the NJ State Police has provided an exhibition of the capabilities of their award-winning force. A unique experience indeed, that The Foundation is thrilled to provide to the delegates to enhance their experience and culminate their "Week That Shapes the Future."

In the future, the Special Events Committee hopes to organize fundraisers ranging from Casino Nights to Golf Outings. Be sure to check back in a few months as details will be posted on our main page as they arise.


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