Over the years, 18 scholarships have been fully funded with another 8 yet to be fulfilled in honor of these friends of the Jersey Boys State program. We thank the following for making Legacy Scholarship donations:
Fred LiCausi in memory of his son Peter LiCausi - Former ALJBS Governor
Mr. & Mrs. William Budney in memory of their son Brad Budney - Former JBS Governor
Mr. & Mrs. Michael King in honor of Michael's Grandfather a WWII veteran
Dr. Lombardi in honor of his son Stuart Lombardi - 2004 ALJBS Governor of Demarest, NJ
The JBS Staff in honor of all ALJBS delegates, past and present
Mr. William G. McGrath - Legionnaire
The JBS Staff in honor of the NJ Boys State Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. David Bagatelle in honor of the NJBSF and JBS staff
E. Drew Britcher, Esq. - Former Boys Nation Senator
Family and Friends of George H. Zweir Jr. - Legionnaire and father of Trustee Bill Zweir
Family of Louise Brown - aunt of Trustee Bill Zweir
The Robert & Ethel Shipe Memorial Scholarship - grandparents of Trustee Brian Epstein
Friends and Family of Fred LiCausi - former NJBSF Trustee
Family of Byron Goundrey - 2005 JBS Governor
Friends and Family of William T. Wilkins in honor of former ALJBS Director and founding NJBSF Trustee
The Erich K Poeschl Memorial Scholarship - grandparent of JBS Videographer Daniel Poeschl, Marine Corps veteran of the Korean War
Mr. Neil Strahl on behalf of his son Max Strahl - 2016 alumnus of the ALJBS program from Demarest, NJ
American Legion Post #228 (Springfield NJ [Union County]) - on behalf of members past and present
*The 2014 JBS Staff in honor of all delegates past and present
*Warren Bagatelle - Legionnaire and Father of David Bagatelle, JBS Director
*Friends of Major John Hunt, Retired NJ State Police and ALJBS Staff Member
*JBS Staff, Family and Friends in honor of Gregory Telischak - former ALJBS Assistant Director and founding NJBSF Trustee
*Family and Friends of Henry C. Everett - grandfather of Trustee James Lynch
*The Ryan Cameron Memorial Scholarship - 2011 alumnus of the JBS program from Hackettstown, set up by his counselor Kevin Hill for a young man gone too soon
*The Andrew "Drew" Capichana Memorial Scholarship - also a 2011 alumnus with Ryan Cameron from Jefferson City #3, of Union Beach, another gone too soon
*Staff Member Justin Hunts in honor of Robert Nusbaum - educator, mentor, and friend who has served as a teacher at Lenape Valley Regional High School in Sussex County
* - indicates scholarship is not fully funded at present, please feel free to donate towards these funds by clicking the image below.